Samuel Anderson was born to Augustus Anderson and Cecilia Abrefa in Ghana on June 8th, 1987. He attended Cambridge International School in South Suntreso, Kumasi through the 4th grade, when his father won the immigration lottery to the United States. After selling all his possessions, the courageous and hopeful Mr. Augustus Anderson uprooted his young family and moved to the U.S. in 1998. After the family’s pre-arranged housing fell through, Samuel’s Aunt, Modesta and her husband Mr. Kwakye graciously agreed to accommodate the entire Anderson family in their living room for 3 months in building 10 in the North Brunswick Manor.

After Mr. Anderson landed a job as a Security Officer and Mrs. Abrefa-Anderson also began working at Barnes & Noble, where she remains employed till this day, the young family leased their own apartment in building 13 of the North Brunswick Manor, where Cecilia and Augustus still reside today. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson’s diligent work ethic became hallmarks that were engraved onto the hearts of the young Anderson boys. After a few years of working as a Security Officer, Mr. Anderson enrolled in a Radiology program at Middlesex County College and successfully completed his course, bolstering the family’s income and affording Samuel and his brother more opportunity than ever before.

As Samuel matriculated through the North Brunswick school system, he found his footing as a stellar student. He was a member of the French Honor Society and maintained a GPA above 4.0 through his junior year. After facing what would later be diagnosed as a manic episode of bipolar disorder, Samuel managed to graduate high school with a full ride scholarship to Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. During his time at Rutgers, Samuel veered from his Christian upbringing and experimented with worldly pleasures, which contributed to multiple episodes of Bipolar Disorder and lengthy hospitalizations in mental institutions. Through all this, the merciful hand of God was still upon Samuel. After graduating from college by the skin of his teeth, God continued to knock on the door of now-young man Samuel’s heart.

In 2013, Samuel’s childhood friend, Reagan Ayim, who had began his own search months prior invited him to a bible study which fast tracked the path to Samuel responding to the call of God upon his life. Through this bible study, led by Pastor John K. Siaw Jr., Samuel began to long for a life of righteousness and dissociated from any association that he deemed unworthy of the high calling of Christ Jesus upon his life. Through this journey of consecration, Samuel had remained highly medicated, seeking therapeutic recovery for his diagnosed mental illness. Then, almost suddenly, a miracle! Through the faith-building, demon-evicting, soul-cleansing word of God, Samuel’s faith pushed him to a place of reliance on the Holy Spirit and sanctification by the Word of God.

Soon thereafter Samuel landed a position at Syneos Health where he was promoted up to an Account Manager, before his departure from the company in March 2024. Samuel holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Rutgers University, a Certificate in Technical Writing, and a Graduate Certificate in Christian Leadership from Liberty University. He has completed substantial coursework toward a Masters of Art Degree in Secondary Education and is married to the illustrious and holistically beautiful Dr. Ashley Anderson. They currently reside in Burlington County in New Jersey, operate a Mental Wellness Private Practice and take care of a vivacious miniature toy poodle named Caleb Hananiah Kraman Kojo Anderson.